Astonishing Abundance Program
What is the Astonishing Abundance Unexpected Income Program and How Do We Generate This Wonderful Expanded Prosperity Consciousness!
It is simply money you are delighted to receive, but had not planned to receive at the time, from whomever or whatever the source. Through daily affirmative prayer for 31 days aimed specifically at increasing the flow of money in your life with the affirmative prayer for expanding your consciousness of prosperity, below.
A licensed Practitioner will also be conducting affirmative prayer each day for YOUR Expanded Consciousness of Prosperity. As MONEY and other DEMONSTRATIONS of PROSPERITY that YOU are able to recognize as EXPANDED INCOME demonstrate in your experience, your commitment is to send 10% of the expanded income to the Trinity Center for Spiritual Living and put the other 90% of to good and joyful use in your life.
Sign Up Today!
The Law of Giving & Receiving
by, Dr. Ernest Holmes
Everything in Nature moves in circles. What goes out must come back. Unless the seed is sown, it cannot bear fruit. There must be a planting time for every harvest. Who gives all receives all. Who refuses to give limits the possibility of greater good returning to him. Love and you will be loved. Extend joy and you will become more joyful. We do not to give because God needs the gift, but because the gift increases, broadens and deepens the life of the giver. Nor shall we give from the standpoint of duty. The Universe refuses to bargain with us. It already has given us everything it has. But it also provided that the gift of life can be received in its fullness only when it flows through us to the fullness of others. How wonderful is the exact balance which God and Nature keep, how perfect is the law of Good and how glorious the opportunity to join with the joy of life!
Affirmative Prayer
Universal Loving Presence is the source of all good. Divine Presence is forever giving and prospering It’s creation. I am one with this loving and prosperous Presence and It flows through me every minute of every day. I work with and as this prosperous loving energy to establish a consciousness of prosperity for myself that brings unlimited riches into my life. I know that it is right and good for me to have the money I desire and I wisely spend the money that comes to me by practicing the laws of giving and receiving. I am grateful for my consciousness of prosperity. I am happy to be prospering with all others in the Astonishing Abundance Program at the Trinity Center for Spiritual Living. I have spoken my word for amplified abundance in my experience and I know it is here and manifested. I recognize it when it gets here, and I praise the flowing abundance of the Universe. I now release these words into the law. The law does its good work and so it is!
July 1st 2023
July 31st 2023

Sign Me Up
To register for the TCSL 2023 Unexpected income program, send on email to and say Sign Me UP!
I accept that my commitment to the Astonishing Abundance Unexpected Income Program is to conduct the below affirmative prayer for 31 days and to tithe 10% of any and all unexpected income I receive during this time frame to the Trinity Center for Spiritual Living.
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